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Friday Morning Conversations, Interview by Dr. Bill Hanshew: Provoked by Promise Pt. 2
January 17 @ 9:00 am - 10:00 am MST
Free“FRIDAY MORNING CONVERSATIONS” (06-14-24) Guest: Dr. Catherine Toon ———————————————————– John 1:29 (TPT) says, “The very next day, John saw Jesus coming to him to be baptized, and John cried out, “Look! There He is—God’s Lamb! He takes away the sin {hamartia, mistaken identity} of the entire world!” ● John says in the book of Revelation, chapter thirteen and verse eight, “All who dwell on the earth will worship Him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” ● The words “the Book of Life of the Lamb,” should be rendered as, the Book of the Lamb’s life written within the DNA of mankind as the creation. But also that Jesus who was depicted as the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the universe, this signifies that God’s plan for redeeming mankind from a wrong identity, through the selfless act of Jesus Christ was established before the creation of the world. ● This seems to mean that the sacrifice of Jesus was always intended as the means for humanity to be reclaimed and restored back to God, which demonstrates God’s foreknowledge and eternal purpose. Also it assures us that those who eat from the same mindset as Adam did, that God always planned to rescue us from ourselves, emphasizing the timeless and proactive nature of God’s love and grace toward His creation. ● 1 John 2:2 (1599 Geneva Bible) says, “And He is the reconciliation for our sins {hamartia}: and not for ours only, but also for the sins {hamartia} of the whole world.” ● The word reconciliation would be rendered as the One who reconnected our mind to His mind. Reconciliation and intercession go together as a type of to stand in the gap, but also to give us an understanding that Jesus is both advocate and high Priest who joined with leaders today, they watch out for our souls. ● The Love of God is so full and unconditional that even though the Godhead did not create mankind with a wrong identity, and did not create mankind to eat from the same mindset as Adam did, still yet He made provision for the whole world to be RE-conciled BACK to Him. ● 1 Corinthians 15:22 (New English Translation) says, “For just as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be {or, shall be} made alive.” ● The phrase “shall be” speaks metaphorically of seeds quickened into life, i.e. germinating, springing up, growing. Generally speaking, “shall be” can be rendered as “to exist,” and allegorically, my interpretation would be, “also in Christ mankind exists to live as One with Christ.” This is an objective reality whether or not humankind chooses to participate subjectively. ● Dr. Catherine, you also stated that John Crowder puts in his “Cosmos Reborn” book, “My faith doesn’t create Reality. It simply trusts in Reality. And it is in the midst of faith that Reality manifests.” ● 1 Peter 4:8 (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition) says, “Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins {or, mistaken identity}.” ● This might seem redundant, but “If love covers a multitude of sins,” as in hamartia, mistaken identity, then how can a perfect God love us despite our flaws and errors, and what does this reveal about His nature and the transformative power of His love? I hope you were enlightened and inspired to “dig deep into the well of Father’s mind within” as you watch this video lesson!