I’ll never forget the pressure I felt in medical training. The long nights, the relentless expectation of excellence, the feeling that every mistake could cost me everything. In those moments, I wasn’t just questioning my abilities—I was questioning me.
“Who do you think you are?”
That thought whispered through my mind more times than I can count. Maybe you’ve heard it, too. Maybe you’ve felt the weight of needing to measure up, to prove you belong, to silence the fear that you’re not enough.
Here’s what I’ve learned: The enemy attacks what he fears. If your identity is under attack, it’s because your purpose is powerful.
And the good news? You don’t have to fight for your worth—you just need to stand in the identity that’s already yours.
When Your Identity Feels Like It’s on Trial
During my time in medical training, I remember pushing myself harder than ever before. It wasn’t just about learning—it was about proving that I deserved to be there. I was surrounded by brilliant minds, and the pressure was immense.
I felt like I had to earn my place every single day. Any mistake felt like a personal failure. If I didn’t get everything right, it wasn’t just my competence in question—it was my self-worth!.
There was a day in the hospital when I made a minor mistake—something that wasn’t life-threatening, but noticeable. My attending physician corrected me in front of my peers, and suddenly, a wave of shame washed over me.
“What if I don’t belong here?”
That night, I couldn’t sleep. I replayed the moment over and over again. I had tied my identity so closely to my performance that even a small failure made me feel like I was a failure.
➡ Have you ever felt like one mistake defined you? Like your worth was hanging on your last success or failure?
That’s exactly where the enemy wants us—exhausted, striving, and believing the lie that we are only as valuable as our performance.
But God never intended for my identity to be built on something so fragile.
The Lies That Attack Your Identity (And How to Silence Them)
The battle for our identity isn’t new. From the very beginning, the enemy has tried to make us doubt who we are and whose we are: if you eat from the tree of good and evil you, will be like God (Gen. 3:3). If he can get us to question our worth, he can keep us from stepping into our calling. He traffics in shame and accusation.
Jesus was also attacked in His identity, the enemy constantly asking Him to prove Himself: “if you are the son of God…” (Luke 4:3,9).
Here are three of the biggest lies that keep us stuck—and the truth that sets us free.
Lie #1: “You Are What You Do”
I used to believe that my worth was tied to my performance. The better I did in medical training, the more valuable I felt. But that meant every failure felt like a failure as a person.
➡ Have you ever attached your identity to your job, your success, or your ability to perform?
The problem with this mindset is that it makes our identity conditional—only secure when we succeed, and falling apart the moment we make a mistake—which is utterly exhausting!
The Truth:
Your identity isn’t in what you do—it’s in Whose you are and who He created you to be: His flawless image and likeness/His original design of perfection, complete in HIm. You are marked by Love, by Love Himself. God didn’t create you for performance; He created you for relationship, after all He is Love. Before you ever accomplished anything, you were already eternally adored, chosen, united to Him, and enough, without spot or blemish in Him completely apart from your performance (Song of Songs 6:9, Rom. 8:29-30; Col. 2:10, Eph. 1:4-5).
➡ Reflection: Where have you tied your worth to achievement? What would change if you truly believed that you are already enough, perfect in God’s love?
Lie #2: “You Have to Prove Your Worth”
There was a moment in medical school when I realized I was exhausted from trying to prove I belonged. It wasn’t just about passing exams—it was about proving to myself and everyone else that I was worthy of being there.
➡ Have you ever felt like you had to prove your worth to God, your family, or yourself?
That pressure didn’t just disappear when I finished medical school. It continued in residency and when I went into full time practice. It continued when I married and later came home fulltime to raise my children. Even after stepping into ministry, I found myself wrestling with the same haunting fear. Every time I spoke, I wondered:
“Did I say the right thing?”
“Did I encourage them enough?”
“Was it good enough?”
And there it was again—that old lie, whispering, You have to prove you belong here.
The Truth:
God loved you before you ever lifted a finger (Romans 5:8). You don’t have to prove your worth—you already have it, in Him!
➡ Reflection: Have you been striving for approval? What would it feel like to rest in the truth that you are already fully accepted?
Lie #3: “You’re Not Enough”
Even as I stepped into ministry, imposter syndrome crept in. Who was I to teach and minister others? Who was I to write books, coach, mentor and speak about God’s love?
➡ Have you ever doubted whether you were truly “qualified” to step into what God has called you to do?
That’s when I realized: The enemy wouldn’t be attacking me if I wasn’t a threat.
The Truth:
The enemy is terrified of what will happen when you fully embrace your identity in Christ. You don’t have to feel “ready”—God already qualified you (Col. 1:12).
➡ Reflection: What dreams have you been afraid to pursue because you feel unqualified? What if you stopped waiting until you felt “ready” and trusted that God already sees you as more than enough?
Final Encouragement: You Were Marked by Love
You were never meant to live in fear. You don’t have to fight for or prove your worth and significance. You are already enough because you were Marked by Love.
The enemy attacks identity because he knows that when you embrace who you truly are, you’ll step into the purpose God created you for.
If you’re feeling stuck, distracted, or unsure of your next steps, you don’t have to navigate this alone.
Join Me for the Protect Your Purpose Masterclass
If you’ve been struggling with doubt, distraction, or fear in stepping into your calling, I want to personally invite you to my Protect Your Purpose Masterclass.
We’ll dive deep into:
✅ How to recognize and overcome the lies attacking your identity
✅ Breaking free from distractions and fear-based delays
✅ Practical strategies to step boldly into your God-given purpose
💡 Spots are limited! Click here to reserve your seat now.
You are called. You are chosen. It’s time to walk in the fullness of who you are. 💜
With much love and excitement for your journey,