Peace in the Midst

As I write this, war is breaking out in Ukraine. This is so grievous and disturbing! The truth be told, there is always some trial or threat that humanity faces collectively or individually. Jesus made no bones about this in John 16:33 (NASB, 2020):

33 These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”

(emphasis added)

Note, Jesus used the translated Greek word, thlipsis, which carries the meaning of the “tribulum,” the huge stone that crushed wheat to process  it. Other nuances include a pressing, pressure, oppression, affliction, anguish, tribulation, distress, and straits. I so appreciate that because this is how we feel in the anguish in our souls and circumstances. Truly, He, in union with Papa and Holy Spirit, is touched by the feelings of our infirmities (Heb. 4:15–16) and meets us there in our pain and darkness!

Moreover, in John 16:33, tribulation is sandwiched with the promise of being able to have peace and being able to take courage because He has overcome the world! I love the fact that God is never outdone by the diabolical in our midst. He sandwiches real evils with His masterful goodness and redemption. And happily, we are sandwiched in Him!

Peace in Violent Storms

As I write this, I hear Jesus say, “peace in the midst.”

He wants to take us back experientially to Mark 4. Let’s go with His Spirit and glean what we need here. Starting in Mark 4:37 (The Passion Translation 2020), we can feel, if we allow ourselves, the straits the disciples are in:

 37Suddenly, as they were crossing the lake, a ferocious storm arose, with violent winds and waves that were crashing into the boat until it was nearly swamped

(emphasis added)

Brian Simmons (writer of The Passion Translation) comments on Mark 4:37:

This gale of wind and ferocious tempest was demonic in nature, as Jesus was about to confront a powerful principality on the other side of the lake. (See Mark 5:1–20.) Jesus would not have rebuked the storm if it was from God. The devil knew that if Jesus crossed to the other side, he would cast out the demon horde that had long terrorized the entire region. 

(emphasis added)

I highlighted the verbiage that depicts the onslaught that besieged and threatened to snuff out the lives of the disciples, many who were otherwise seasoned fishermen. Can you feel their alarm—their hearts pounding as they are caught in the onslaught?

Jesus’s posture in Mark 4:38 (TPT, 2020) was:

38But Jesus was calmly sleeping in the stern, resting on a cushion. 

(emphasis added)

The disciples’ reaction was:

39So they shook him awake, saying, “Teacher, don’t you even care that we are all about to die!”

(emphasis added)

In their minds, Jesus clearly needed to be apprised of the critical danger they were in. Moreover, accusation rose up: “Don’t you even care?!!!”

Before we condemn them, because we know how this turns out, how many of us can relate? We are in massive freak-out mode in our dire straits. And it looks to us as if God is not present, not tracking with the severity of our trials, not doing anything, and, if we are honest, not caring!

Can you connect with your own bewilderment, sweaty palms, sick feeling in your stomach, and hurt that somehow God is not there for you or is taking too long? That is just being humbly honest.

Let’s get some help!

 Mark 4:39b40 (TPT, 2020) continues with Jesus’s response:

 Fully awake, he rebuked the storm and shouted to the sea, “Hush! Be still!” All at once the wind stopped howling and the water became perfectly calm.

The footnotes say:

In Aramaic, the language Jesus spoke, it is “Peace. Submit to the will of God!”

Learning to Trust

Happily, Jesus did take care of the circumstances. It says He was fully awake—the disciples did not die. They made it over to the other side as He had directed in Mark 4:35.

Let me ask you, how many things has God taken you through that should have taken you out? Think about that for a moment. Was He faithful? Did He take you to the other side? Is there a word/promise He has impressed upon you that is not yet fulfilled? That is the other side of whatever you are going through right now.

Let me remind you, God is fully awake to your situation!

 Jesus then got to the crux of the disciples’ and OUR issue in Mark 4:40 (TPT, 2020)

 40Then he turned to his disciples and said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Haven’t you learned to trust yet?”

 Here is our very human problem. We haven’t learned to trust in the area we are dealing with. This is so much deeper than simply having faith or believing. Trust is about relationship and knowing someone so intimately and thoroughly that we can trust them in the midst of deadly, excruciating circumstances.

 Now, before you start feeling condemned for not trusting, this is PART AND PARCEL of what God is after to heal, not condemn, in each and every person (I’ll let you know when I have arrived)! For all of us, trust needs to be restored where we have experienced the breath of fallen, evil, or “satanic” forces operating in our lives. The unholy seems much more real during these times than the presence of a wholly, holy, good, loving, endlessly merciful, gracious, and powerful God.

 So, I am assuming you are struggling with something right now.

If we are going to suffer as God said we would, let’s make sure we get some “gain for our pain.” God is leading us to transcend, have peace, and be upgraded in who we are showing up as in the midst.

 Let’s ask the Lord, “What am I having trouble trusting you with?”

Let the answer come up. He wants to help you here.

 Ask the Lord, “Where did I learn that I could not trust?”

Let Him show you the place(s) that compromised trust. Let the pain, fear, confusion (and whatever else) come up. It is coming up to be healed.

Take your time.

 Let me pray over you:

“Jesus, in this place, show your son/daughter where you were.”

See if you can sense Him.

 “What is (or are) the lie (or lies) they learned?”

Let that come up. Take your time

 “What is the truth You want to minister here?”

See what you get

Take your time.

 “What are You for them now that they could not receive then?”

This is huge, spend some time with this.

 Let me pray:

 Papa/Jesus/Holy Spirit, I thank You for bringing comfort, healing, safety, clarity, deliverance, peace, and restoration to these areas. You are a masterful Healer and Counselor. You ARE your children’s peace! Thank you!!!

 If there are areas of real trauma, you will probably need to go back and let Him minister to you multiple times. That’s OK and actually really good! Each time you get more and more. Don’t hesitate to get good ministerial/counseling help if you are stuck. God made us to be interdependent, receiving not only directly from Him, but from Him through others. Don’t settle in your journey—it is and YOU are WORTH it!

 Standing with you! Love,


 P.S. If you are needing more help, don’t hesitate to grab a hold of my Marked by Love book. I guide you through these processes in focused ways, step by step, in my Love Encounter Breaks.


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