Receiving God’s Abundant Spiritual Blessings

Spiritual blessings

In a world that often emphasizes man’s idea of success, particularly in the material realm, it’s essential to remember the profound impact of spiritual blessings on our lives. As individuals seek a deeper experiential connection with God, receiving His abundant spiritual blessings becomes an outgrowth of transformative, fulfilling intimacy. In this piece, we delve into the concept of being “blessed with every spiritual blessing,” how to lead a blessed life, the nature of spiritual blessings, as well as the connection with manifested blessing in the natural realm.

Understanding Spiritual Blessings

To truly grasp the idea of spiritual blessings, we need to look beyond the material world as the source from which all blessing flows. Spiritual blessings are the intangible gifts bestowed upon us by a loving Father, Who, because He IS Love, is continually looking to help His kids receive the fullness of His blessing and favor. Spiritual blessing includes love, peace, wisdom, joy, and the experience of the tangible presence of Holy Spirit in our lives. These blessings are not earned through any human effort, but stem from an ongoing relationship with a gracious God, Who simply adores His kids. When we connect with Love, His peace, joy, and wisdom of more worth than any material wealth flow. Paradoxically, material blessing often manifests as a byproduct of this closer relationship with God. Indeed, Matt. 6:33 (NKJV) promises, “33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”. 

The Source of Spiritual Blessings

The Source of all spiritual blessings is God. Believers find promises of these blessings throughout the Bible, which asserts that we are “blessed with every spiritual blessing.” in Eph 1:3. This is a right now truth, and is not something to be earned, but is inherited simply because we are God’s kids, by faith through grace, all of which He provides! This suggests an abundance that is not limited by human understanding but is instead infinite and available to all.

Characteristics of Spiritual Blessings

Spiritual blessings carry certain characteristics that set them apart from other types of blessings. They are:

  • Eternal: Unlike material possessions that can fade or be taken away, spiritual blessings are everlasting.
  • Intrinsic: They enrich our inner selves, contributing to our spiritual growth and emotional well-being.
  • Universal: Spiritual blessings are not restricted by physical boundaries or socio-economic status. Scandalously, they are also available to all God’s kids, even those not following Him the way we think they should. God is not an exclusionist, even when we religiously err and think that following God means we should be.
  • Transformative: They have the power to change our lives and guide us towards a higher purpose.

The Path to a Blessed Life

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A blessed life is one that is in harmony with God’s intentions for us. It involves aligning our hearts and actions with His, which in turn, causes us to manifest the virtues that are reflective of Him and nature to bless. Indeed, He created no thing that He did not bless!

Embracing Faith and Gratitude

The foundation of a blessed life involves faith, which is a byproduct of knowing Him and His faithfulness. Intimacy releases faith and opens our hearts to receive God’s blessings. It also helps us recognize the blessings that are already present in our daily lives. It gives us eyes to see how blessed we are and results in a grateful heart. Gratitude goes hand in hand with faith, as it allows us to appreciate these gifts and acknowledge their Source.

Serving and Loving Others

One of the manifestations of spiritual blessings is the heart and empowerment to love others, and because of this, to serve others selflessly. This is a fulfillment of the command to love one another as Christ loves. As we do this, service will naturally flow; we will serve what we love. Here we show ourselves to be true followers of Christ (John 13:34-35). When we are blessed, we are called to be a blessing to those around us. This can be expressed through acts of kindness, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear to someone in need. The list is endless.

Regular Spiritual Practices

Engaging in regular spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and the study of the scripture can enrich our understanding and experience of spiritual blessings. These practices create space for reflection and connection with the divine.

The Impact of Spiritual Blessings

Spiritual blessings have a profound impact on our lives. They shape our character, influence our decisions, and affect how we interact with the world around us.

Inner Peace and Joy

One of the most significant effects of spiritual blessings is the inner peace and joy they provide. Regardless of external circumstances, these blessings anchor our souls, offering comfort and hope during challenging times.

Wisdom and Discernment

Spiritual blessings also endow us with wisdom and discernment. They help us navigate life’s complexities with clarity and make choices that align with our higher calling.

Strength and Resilience

With spiritual blessings comes the strength and resilience to endure hardships. They remind us that we are not alone and that a greater force is at work in our lives, providing support and guidance.

Recognizing and Cultivating Spiritual Blessings

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While spiritual blessings are available to everyone, recognizing and cultivating them is a conscious choice. It requires an open heart and a willing spirit.

Awareness and Acknowledgment

The first step in cultivating spiritual blessings is awareness. We must be mindful of the presence of these blessings in our lives. Acknowledging them allows us to foster a deeper appreciation and connection with the divine.

Intentional Living

To nurture spiritual blessings, we must live intentionally. This means making deliberate choices that reflect our values and beliefs, and that contribute to our spiritual well-being and that of others.

Community and Fellowship

Being part of a community that shares similar spiritual goals can enhance our experience of spiritual blessings. Fellowship with others provides encouragement, support, and a sense of belonging.

Overcoming Obstacles to Spiritual Blessings

Despite the availability of spiritual blessings, there may be obstacles that hinder our ability to fully receive them. Recognizing and addressing these challenges is crucial for spiritual growth.

Doubt and Fear

Doubt and fear can block the flow of spiritual blessings into our lives. Overcoming these emotions involves trust in God, Who is ever loving, ever faithful, ever present, and masterful at guiding His kids. Perfect Love casts out fear and Love never fails (1 John 4:17, 1 Cor. 4:8)! When we commune with Him, fear and doubt melt away!

Distractions and Busyness

The hectic pace of modern life can distract us from spiritual pursuits. Prioritizing our spiritual health amid the busyness is essential for maintaining a seamless ongoing experiential connection with God. This cannot help but release blessing in tangible ways as well.

Negative Influences

Negative influences, whether from our environment or our own thoughts, can impede our spiritual journey. Cultivating a positive mindset and surrounding ourselves with uplifting influences can help us stay focused on God and make progress in spiritual growth and towards spiritual goals.

Embracing God’s Abundant Spiritual Blessings

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Embracing God’s abundant spiritual blessings is an act of faith and surrender. It involves trusting in the divine plan for our lives and opening ourselves to the fullness of what God has in store for us.

Letting Go of Control

To fully embrace spiritual blessings, we must let go of the need to control, which is always a hallmark of fear vs. Love. This allows us to experience the freedom and peace that come with trusting in a power higher than ourselves: Papa/Jesus/Holy Spirit, Himself!

Continuous Growth and Learning

Embracing spiritual blessings is a continuous process of growth and learning. It requires an ongoing commitment to spiritual development and a willingness to be shaped by divine influence. 

Sharing Your Blessings

Finally, embracing spiritual blessings means sharing them with others. By spreading love, joy, and peace, we not only enrich the lives of those around us but also reinforce our own experience of these blessings.

God Loves You And Want To Bless You

God’s love for you is boundless and incomprehensible. His unconditional love knows no limits and His desire to shower you with blessings is unfathomable. From the depths of His heart, God wants nothing but the best for you, His beloved child. His love is pure, unwavering, and everlasting, always reaching out to you with open arms. As you walk through life’s trials and tribulations, know that God is there to lovingly comfort you, guide you, and ultimately bless you beyond measure. Trust in Him and His love and rest assured that His blessings will flow abundantly in your life.

If you find it challenging to comprehend God’s love for you, God had me pen a book crafted with you in mind:  Marked By Love, Unveiling the Substance of Your True Identity.  I have received testimony after testimony of breakthrough in encountering God, as Love with the freedom and transformation that only Love can do! So, nab your own copy!


Receiving God’s abundant spiritual blessings is a transformative experience that enriches our lives and connects us more deeply with the divine. By understanding, recognizing, and cultivating these blessings, we can lead a truly blessed life that radiates joy, peace, and love. Embracing these gifts with an open heart allows us to fulfill our spiritual potential and share these blessings with the world. Let us be mindful of the spiritual wealth available to us and seek to live in the abundance of God’s grace every day.

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