How to Run Your Race [5 Steps to Fulfill Your God-Given Purpose]

woman running into the sunset over fall leaves symbolizing her purpose

Are you feeling stuck, behind in life, or uncertain about your purpose? You’re not alone. Many people wrestle with these questions, wondering if they’ll ever discover why they’re here. The good news is that God created you with intention, care, and a unique purpose. In this blog, we’ll explore how to uncover your God-given purpose, run your race with confidence, and live a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Why You Were Created: Understanding God’s Purpose for Your Life

Let’s start with a foundational truth: you are not here by accident. No human being is a cosmic, haphazard happenstance. God designed you with intentionality and attentiveness and His plans for you are both purposeful and utterly good and beautiful.

Ephesians 2:10 (AMP) tells us:
“For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].”

The word “workmanship” here comes from the Greek poiēma, which is where we get the word, you guessed it, poem. Pause for a moment and allow that to hit you. You are God’s masterpiece. You were not created as prose but only could be expressed in poetry. You are His poetic expression, uniquely designed to reflect His love and glory. You are His glorious, exquisite poem to the world!

God paid attention to the details of who you are when He created you. Not only did God create you with care, but He also prepared specific “good works” for you to accomplish. Your life has profound meaning, and your unique calling is essential to His overarching plan.

How to Discover Your Race and Calling

If you’re unsure about your purpose, you are not alone. Discovering your God-given calling is a journey that unfolds as you walk closely with Him. While you walk, pay attention to what He is showing/telling you, to your own heart, and the signs around you. Here are three practical steps to uncover your race:

1. Spend Time Communing with God 

Your purpose flows from your intimate relationship with God. Spending time in His presence is essential. This can look like many things and ultimately looks like communing with Him. This can be through conversing with and listening to Him, enjoying Him in contemplative prayer, worship, reading scripture, soaking, practicing His Presence, journaling—any discipline which nourishes intimacy. From your relationship with Him, He reveals the unique path(s) He has for you.

2. Pay Attention to Your Passions and Talents

God often gives us desires and gifts that align with our purpose. Ask yourself: 

  • What am I passionate about? 
  • What comes naturally to me? 
  • What injustice or need makes me angry or compassionate enough to do something about it?

These are often clues pointing toward the good works God has prepared for you.

3. Be Faithful with the Present and the Small

Purpose often starts small. Remember big doors turn on little hinges. If you’re waiting for a grand revelation, remember that faithfulness with what’s in front of you today and operating in the grace of today opens doors to greater opportunities tomorrow.

God Equips You for the Race Ahead

One of the most reassuring truths about fulfilling your purpose is this: God equips you for what He calls you to do.

Ephesians 4:24 (TPT) confirms:
“We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us.” (Emphasis added) 

If God planned your purpose, He also provides the resources, strength, connections, divine events, and grace to empower you to fulfill it. You’re not expected and should resist the temptation to run your race in your own strength. Everything that He has for you will come from dependency and rest—He walks with you every step of the way. 

Jesus said:
5 I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing. (John 15:5 AMPC, Emphasis added) 

There is no place that we can thank Jesus and “take it from there”. 

How to Run Your Race with Endurance

Running your race isn’t about rushing ahead—it’s about pacing yourself for the long haul. Hebrews 12:1 (TPT) offers practical wisdom for this journey:
“Let us throw off every wound that has pierced us and the sin we so easily fall into. Then we will be able to run life’s marathon race with passion and determination, for the path has already been marked out before us.”

The commentary on The Passion Translation talks about wounds in context of an “arrow tip inside us”. Think about it: an arrow tip goes deep inside and festers over time keeping us from running our race in freedom. The context from this passage would point to the sin of unbelief and doubting God’s promises as the sin that hinders. But ultimately this drives any flavor of fallen identities, ways of being, behavior…

Brian Simmons points out another word for “marathon race” is: “obstacle course.” The Greek word agona means agony or conflict. The assumption is this race will not be easy, but the proper path to run has been set before us.

The “path marked out before us” in this passage can be translated in the Aramaic as: “the race [personally] appointed to us.” God has a destiny for each of us that we are to give ourselves fully to reach. 

Here’s how you can run your race well:

1. Let Go of Distractions and Wounds

Release anything that hinders your progress, including unforgiveness, fear, or past failures, rejection, trauma…. If you still need healing for the arrows that have hit you in life, be honest with yourself and be brave. Work on your issues. Seek professional counseling or coaching so that you heal on a deeper level. You do not have to and should not stay with these things haunting and hindering you.

Unresolved issues can weigh you down and prevent you from moving forward. We will not enter the fullness of what God has for us when we avoid dealing with the pain of past issues: stuffing them down or medicating them. There is always grace to deal with our hurts, offenses, and fears. God wants us free to enjoy our lives as well as being freed up for our purpose!

2. Fix Your Eyes on Jesus

Life’s pressures can overwhelm us, but focusing on Jesus keeps us steady and strengthens us. Hebrews 12:2 (TPT) reminds us: “We look away from the natural realm and fasten our gaze onto Jesus, who birthed faith within us and leads us forward into faith’s perfection.” 

Brian Simmons comments: Implied by the Aramaic word “chor”, which implies a gaze upon Jesus full of expectations that he is enough. 

Part of our journey in seeing God as He truly is, is learning and resting in the “enoughness” of God. Sometimes we need to spend time healing the arrows that cause a lying sense in our hearts that God is not enough. 

3. Embrace Rest and Balance

Running your race isn’t a sprint—it’s a marathon. Build rest into your routine, set boundaries, and prioritize balance to sustain your energy and focus. Moreover, we all need to learn and to practice operating from rest. To many, this is a foreign language. If that is the case, there is hope. For more on this my book, Marked by Love would really help: many have said it has transformed their lives! 

Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks

Every runner faces obstacles. Whether it’s external opposition, internal doubts, or spiritual battles, challenges are inevitable. The good news? God specializes in turning setbacks into comebacks.

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 encourages us to stay disciplined and focused, trusting God to guide us through every difficulty. Remember, even when you feel lost, God is recalculating your steps to get you back on track.

Practical Steps to Fulfill Your God-Given Purpose

Here are five actionable steps to help you move forward:

  1. Start Small: Begin with what’s in front of you today.
  2. Stay Connected to God: Consistent disciplines of God-directed prayer, communion with God, scripture, worship, 2-way journaling…keep you aligned with His plans.
  3. Embrace God-empowered Self-Control and Discipline at a higher level than what you are operating at now: A purposeful life requires intentional choices and self-control.
  4. Surround Yourself with Support; Community is crucial: Link arms with others who encourage and inspire you. The truism that we will become like the 5 people we hang around most is true. Ask God who is your tribe or to send a core community that will support you in this journey. These are the ones you need to spend the most time with.
  5. Trust God’s Timing: His plans often unfold gradually, but they are always perfectly timed.

Discover Your Identity in Christ

Your purpose is directly tied to your identity in Christ. When you see yourself as God’s masterpiece—loved, valued, and empowered—you’re able to step boldly into your calling.

My book, Marked by Love, is designed to help you deepen your understanding of Who God truly is, heal from misperceptions, deepen your intimacy with God, discover your true and unique identity and to embrace more of and be released in your purpose. It will also help you learn to fulfill that purpose operating from rest as a well-loved son/daughter.

Closing Thoughts

You were created with intention, equipped with purpose, and called to live a life that glorifies God and is truly fulfilling. No matter where you are on your journey, God is ready to walk with you, guide you, and empower you to run your race with confidence.

Take the Next Step

Discover more about your God-given purpose with my free Masterclass:
“Protect Your Purpose – 3 Keys to Staying Inspired and Thriving in Your Calling.”

In this Masterclass, you’ll learn how to:

  • Reignite your purpose and rediscover joy.
  • Protect your heart and calling from burnout and distractions.
  • Find clarity for the next steps in your journey.

➡️ Click here to access the Masterclass.

With much love and excitement for your journey,


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