How to Silence Your Inner Critic

How to Silence Your Inner Critic

How many of you struggle with an inner critic? This is a common human struggle, made worse by faulty doctrines of sin nature and a God angry at sinful humanity.

But Paul was very clear in Romans 8:1 (TPT) which says:

8 So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. 2 For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us ]from the “law” of sin and death. 

With God, the case is closed! The problem is that many of us keep opening it! The question is not how bad our failings are, but how masterful God’s work is to forgive us and give us a righteous nature (2 Corinthians 5:19,21)!


Continuing in Romans 8, verses 31-33 (NKJV), Paul says:

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? 

You can almost hear the indignation – “Hey – I justified my kids, WHO is he who condemns them?!”

Unfortunately, way too often, we have taken over where the enemy of our soul has left off. We do his work for him!!! That is truly diabolical!

Learning to Love Yourself

I used to suffer from massive condemnation, brutally beating myself up for the most minute things. I had to go on a journey to learn to invest in myself and love myself.  There is hope for you if you struggle! I have received such revelation of my loveliness and worth and YOUR loveliness (male and female) and worth from God, so I have a very low tolerance for self-condemnation!! Just say NO!!!!!

God’s Perspective on our Inner Critic 

I want to share some practical help for dealing with that inner critic.

First of all, it is really helpful to get God’s perspective on this in a more personal way. In taking this to Jesus, He showed me that every time I beat myself up, it was just as if I was jabbing an ice pick in His heart – filleting open His heart! Pretty graphic!!

When I hurt myself, I was hurting the one He loves! When YOU beat YOURSELF up, you are beating up Jesus.  The flip side is true as well. When you nurture yourself, speak kindly to yourself, you are being kind and honoring to Jesus (Matthew 25:40, 45).

Matthew 25:40 -41 (TPT) says:

40 “And the King will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you cared for one of the least important of these my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you demonstrated love for me.’

45 “Then he will answer them, ‘Don’t you know? When you refused to help one of the least important among these my little ones, my true brothers and sisters, you refused to help and honor me.’

It’s personal to Jesus!

Practical Exercise to Help 

He also led me in an exercise that I will share with you.

I learned that if I looked in the mirror deep in my eyes and spoke kind, encouraging things to myself, it really ministered to a lot of broken places. If I totally blew it and felt that old self-hatred and condemnation well up, I could go to the mirror, look in my eyes, pat myself on the shoulder and say, “You’re forgiven, it’s OK. You are loved and you’re getting the help you need!”

Miraculously, practicing this did volumes to receive the love of God and teach myself to love myself.

So, what about you?

Take notice when that critical voice comes up, then take some time to silence it.

Look into the mirror deep into your eyes.

Practice saying,

It’s OK.

You’re forgiven.

You are loved.

You just need some help and you will get the help you need!

It’s OK to make a mistake.”

And so on.

Let Holy Spirit lead you with what you need! If you need more help, there are many excellent ministries and free resources available. God will help you find what you need!

What have you found say to yourself in the places you feel you have fallen short? I’d love to hear!




8 thoughts on “How to Silence Your Inner Critic”

  1. Sharon Horrell

    Seems I have taken so many turns. Not sure which are wrong and which are right. I feel like I am on a dead end street. I pray God show me the way out

    1. catherine-2957

      Hi there, sweet Sharon,
      God truly forgives and washes clean experientially. Can you receive His forgiveness and forgive yourself? Let Him show you what you can do to clean up whatever mess you can. But most of all let Him show you Who He truly is, who you truly are (you are gorgeous made in His image and likeness), and what you can learn from the situations. Have you downloaded my free “How to Hear from God” minibook?

  2. Hello dear,first i have been blessed by the introduction in the mail saying ‘Hello sweet one’….many times as you have said especially when you have fallen short or rather failed at a certain it’s so easy for the devil to take the opportunity at that time and bring about the condemnation…i remember an instance where i tensed up on the stage while presenting and i could say a thing then much later,(i sing in the praise and worship) i really was fearful of lacking words and tensing up in stage but i’ve learnt to speak positively about myself as God would…like you’ve said looking in the mirror and like for me calling myself a woman of God and His lady and God is usually there i feel He is always kind of like smiling at me i end up smiling too and loving myself the more

  3. Wow that is a lot – I am so sorry about all your pain. God is NOT a punisher. He is a Healer and forgives. He is on your side and wants to heal everything emotionally and physically, as well as provide what else you need. He is not only faithful but powerful and will meet you where you are at!

  4. Thank you so much i need all the prayer and encouragement i can get i was dealt a messed up hand by the devil he stole alot of my soul almost killed me gave me severe TBI raped me i was in a hospital when all this took plave then another hospital tried to cover it up cops beat me up and now i think i might ve pregnant by the men that raped and ontop of all that i have 5 to 10 yrs to my brain turns to mushbut god is the best physician im maf at god but still live and trust and have fairh in him still i feel so stupid ti still have hipe that he will work thus out i have wonderful man also with TBI but not as bad who choses to love me but who says he will hes says he will we actualky saved each other its just not right when does god makes his sons and daughters suffer in his name for him but tge devils children dont suffer

    1. Wow that is a lot – I am so sorry about all your pain. God is NOT a punisher. He is a Healer and forgives. He is on your side and wants to heal everything emotionally and physically, as well as provide what else you need. He is not only faithful but powerful and will meet you where you are at!

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