Conquering the Enemy: The Role of Submission in Spiritual Warfare

spiritual warfare bible

Conquering the Enemy: The Role of Submission in Spiritual Warfare

When one comes from a sense of separation from God, too much of our walk can focus on spiritual warfare, where it can be all too easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. However one understands the satan and demonic, we must understand that all that has been completely defeated. As believers, we have been given the power and authority to overcome any spiritual, mental, or emotional attacks that have a demonic overlay. One of the key ways to do this is by submitting to God in your oneness with Him, understanding His complete obliteration of the demonic, and resisting the devilish lies and devises. In this blog, we will explore the importance of submitting to God and resisting whatever you understand as the devil in our spiritual battles.

Why Is Submitting to God Important? Understanding Our Position in Christ


As believers, we have been awakened to our redeemed identity in Christ (see 2 Cor. 5:17). We are no longer slaves to sin but rather the truth of our position as children of God is being unveiled (see Rom. 6:6–7, Gal. 4:7). As sons and daughters of God, we share in the family inheritance (see Rom. 8:17), and with that inheritance comes a position of authority from our Father. We are seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (see Eph. 2:6) and have been given the power to overcome all the power of the enemy (see Luke 10:19).

However, in order to fully walk in this authority, we must identify with God and our oneness with Him, submitting to God and His will for our lives. This means surrendering our own desires, plans, bright ideas, and what we think that we know about ourselves, others, God, and life. We allow God to lead and guide us in the process of conforming to Christ – what we do and how we do it. When we submit to God, we are acknowledging His goodness, His brilliance, His faithfulness, His mastery, and His trustworthiness – trusting Him in His perfect plan for our lives and His ability to lead us and empower us to follow, despite our missteps. 

Resisting the Devil

In James 4:7 (NIV), we are instructed to “submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” This verse highlights the importance of both submitting to God and resisting the devil. When we submit to God, we are aligning ourselves with His will and His ways in our oneness with Him. The more we practice this, the less vulnerable we are to the attacks of the enemy. Oneness with God, yielding to His Spirit, is to be our default way of living and thinking – our starting place! 

However, when attacks come, which is usually first in the form of thoughts, we must actively resist the devil. To resist means standing firm in Christ’s faith, speaking the truth of God’s written or revealed word, and using the authority that we have been given in Christ in order to rebuke and overcome the enemy’s schemes. When we resist the devil, we are actively fighting against his attempts to steal, kill, and destroy in our lives. Note, while John 10:10 is part of a larger conversation or interaction referring to the demonic spirit of religion, it’s applicable to the demonic at large.

How Can We Submit to God? Surrendering Our Will

The first step in submitting to God is surrendering our own will and desires. This can be a very difficult process, as we often want to be in control of our own lives. Because many of us have massive trust issues, many of us have learned to survive by depending on ourselves. However, doing so is a trap that the enemy will exploit. When we surrender to God, though, we are acknowledging that He knows what is best for us and that His plans are higher than our own (see Isaiah 55:9). He’s simply “good-er” and smarter than we are!

We can surrender our will to God through prayer, yielding to His guidance and perfect will. Ideally, surrender is practiced through daily obedience, choosing to seek and follow God’s leading and trusting in His ways. Then, we will be prepared when we face the challenges – demonic or otherwise – that will inevitably crop up. Surrender, submission, and obedience are a huge source of safety for us and, after the initial pain of letting go, yield a life of enormous peace, rest, intimacy, power, and fruitfulness.  

Note, 1 Peter 5:8–9 (AMP) says:

Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. But resist him, be firm in your faith [against his attack—rooted, established, immovable], knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. [You do not suffer alone.]


  • The devil’s power is to intimidate – he roars. Don’t fall for it: big mouth with nothing of substance behind it!
  • He is seeking someone to devour, which means that he cannot devour everyone. YOU can decide to be the one he can’t devour by knowing who God is and who you are in Him, submitting to Him and staying soft-hearted and obedient.
  • Be alert, but not paranoid or fearful. The moment he attacks, recognize it and mount up a solid resistance (get mad – doing so is holy rebellion). His attack is weakest at its onset.
  • Keep resisting like a bulldog – you will outlast him. YOU are the one with real authority. The only power satan has is by stealing your power – don’t let him!
  • Know that you’re not alone. You are getting attacked like all humans. The enemy detests us because he hates God and tries to get back at God by harming His kids who look just like Him, even when we don’t know that we do. 

Also, do not engage with the enemy, simply shut him down immediately. Engaging with the enemy gives him a foothold, and we can get broadsided with confusion and succumb to levels of his influence. You have nothing to prove. Don’t fall for accusations, even if they involve a true sin struggle; that is between you and God. You are already a completely forgiven justified child of God. Don’t let the enemy get away with questioning your worthiness or if you are a child of God. This fact has already been established by God and His performance on your behalf – not your good, bad, or indifferent performance. Just take care of business swiftly, decisively, and without a lot of fanfare, knowing that God will always back you up. The enemy is a bluffer and loves to draw attention to himself in order to intimidate and puff himself up. He has no substance or power, unless we give it to him.  

Seeking God’s Will

In order to submit to God, we must also seek His will for our lives. This means spending time engaging in two-way, conversational prayer; meditating on scripture; and sitting under godly teaching/ministry to understand His desires and plans for us. As we seek God’s will, we can ask for His guidance and direction in all areas of our lives, including our well-being, relationships, careers, and decisions . . . If you care about it, God cares about it!

Trusting in God’s Character

Trusting in God’s nature as Love, Truth, Light, Life, and ultimate goodness is essential in helping us submit to Him. When we know that God is so limitlessly good, infinitely loving, endlessly faithful, and brilliantly masterful, we can rest and trust. We can confidently surrender our will to Him, recognizing that He is Love and is masterful at taking care of us, our loved ones, and all of our needs. We can grow in our trust that He has our best interests at heart and that His plans for us are good and only good, and He is always with us, helping us and guiding us (see Jer. 29:11, John 16:13, Rom. 8:14, Eph. 2:10, Phil. 2:13, Heb. 13:5).

Real-Life Examples of Submitting to God and Resisting the Devil: Jesus in the Wilderness

In Matthew 4:1–11, we see Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness. However, Jesus was able to resist the devil’s temptations by submitting to God and standing on the truth of the written Word, rightly interpreted. Each time that the devil tempted Him, Jesus responded with “It is written . . . ” and quoted scripture to overcome the enemy’s lies.

Paul and Silas in Prison

In Acts 16:16–40, we see Paul and Silas being thrown into prison for preaching the gospel. However, instead of giving in to fear or despair, they chose to submit to God and resist the devil through prayer and worship. As they prayed and sang hymns (releasing truth and the awareness of the presence of God), an earthquake shook the prison, and their chains were broken. This response not only led to their own freedom but also the salvation of the jailer and his family. Following God always brings ultimate upgrade from where we were prior to an attack. If you have not seen it yet, stay tuned!

Who Is Responsible for Submitting to God and Resisting the Devil?

As believers, it is our responsibility to submit to God and resist the devil. We have been given the authority and power to overcome the attacks of the enemy, but it is up to us to actively use it. This is something that we practice and grow in. We must continually grow in intimacy with God and seek and surrender to His will on a daily basis. And then, when the enemy does mess with us, we can resist him quickly and decisively. This is necessary to walk in victory and fulfill our purpose in Christ.


What makes us more vulnerable to demonic attacks and what can we do about it?

The enemy is like a rat that feeds off trash. This trash can be likened to broken ways of being or sinful patterns. Let me emphatically state no human being ever has been trash or worthless, even if they have been told that over and over. It’s a lie! We are all precious, even when we are behaving in trashy and worthless ways that are contrary to our true worth and value! The more broken, twisted, and depraved the behavior, mindsets, and strongholds, the stronger the hold that the enemy has. To gain freedom, we get to and must yield to God in healing the strongholds, trauma, and destructive programs in our minds, wills, emotions, personalities, and bodies. 

This process is us learning to be honest and powerful by the grace and strength of God to deal with the crap that we have inherited, have been inflicted with, and have embraced with our own free-but-broken wills. As we deal with what is ours to deal with, by the grace and strength of God, getting the practical help that we need, we are able to overcome these things and manifest as the powerful, glorious sons and daughters of God (see Rom. 8:19, 29–30). God is faithful in leading and empowering us in healing and freedom. It takes time and consistent effort. If we refuse to deal with our crap, we will be stuck and get worse (see Matt. 12:33, 35). But as we deal with the crap, the enemy loses his grip automatically. He becomes easier and easier to recognize and resist, until he literally has no place to grab a foothold (see Eph. 4:26–27). This is where we are experiencing more and more wholeness. Jesus said that the prince of this world/satan was coming for Him, but he had nothing in Him (see John 14:30). This is ultimate wholeness, that Jesus had worked out in His own soul, experiencing temptation as a human, just as we have, in every way (Heb. 4:15). God empowers us as sons and daughters to do the same. And dealing with the enemy becomes a rarer and less notable occurrence, because we know Whose we are and who we are in our depths and then operate out of that. 

What does the Bible say about avoiding temptation?

The Bible provides us with valuable guidance and wisdom on how to navigate the challenges of avoiding and overcoming temptation in our lives. Through various passages and stories, it offers profound insights and practical advice that can assist us in staying strong and steadfast against the allure of temptation.  

By meditating these biblical teachings, we can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of avoiding temptation and the strategies that we can employ to resist its enticing grip.

One of the fundamental teachings of the Bible regarding temptation is the recognition of its pervasive nature. The scriptures continually remind us that temptation is a common experience that all individuals encounter in their lives, regardless of their faith or devotion. This acknowledgment serves to remind us that we are not alone in our struggles and that the presence of temptation does not indicate a weakness or flaw within us. Instead, it highlights the universality of this challenge and encourages us to approach it with a sense of shared understanding and empathy toward others.

Furthermore, the Bible offers us insight into the origins and sources of temptation. It reminds us that temptation can originate from external sources, such as societal influences, peer pressure, or the devil himself. However, it also highlights the internal elements that contribute to temptation, such as our own desires and weaknesses. By understanding the multifaceted nature of temptation, we are better equipped to identify its origins, evaluate its influence, and take appropriate measures to resist its allure.

In addition, the Bible emphasizes the importance of self-control and discipline as key factors in avoiding temptation. It encourages us to develop a strong sense of self-restraint and to cultivate virtuous character traits that serve as a shield against the snares of temptation. Through personal reflection, prayer, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can strengthen our resolve, fortify our faith, and become better equipped to withstand the enticements that surround us.

Moreover, the Bible teaches us that we are not defenseless in the face of temptation. It assures us that God does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear and promises to provide a way of escape or a path to endurance in every trial. 1 Corinthians 10:13 says:

No temptation has overtaken you except something common to mankind; and God is faithful, so He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

(NASB, emphasis added)

This reassurance serves as a source of comfort and encouragement, reminding us that we are not left to our own devices when it comes to avoiding temptation. Instead, we are called to rely on God’s grace, wisdom, and strength to overcome temptation and emerge victorious.

In conclusion, the Bible offers us a wealth of teachings on avoiding temptation that can serve as a roadmap for navigating the challenges of our daily lives. By recognizing the pervasive nature of temptation, understanding its origins, cultivating self-control, and relying on God’s guidance, we can develop a robust defense against temptation and live lives that are pleasing to God. May we continually seek the wisdom found in the scriptures and apply its truths to experience victory over temptation in our lives.

What scriptures in the Bible help rebuke the devil?

There are a variety of scriptures that can be found within the Bible, each serving a unique purpose in strengthening one’s faith and providing guidance in navigating the challenges presented by the devil. These scriptures, through their divine wisdom and profound teachings, offer solace and a powerful means to rebuke the devil. By immersing oneself in the Word of God, individuals can find comfort and reassurance in the face of spiritual warfare, acknowledging the might of God’s truth and the authority bestowed upon them as believers. Through passages such as Ephesians 6:10–18, which encourages the use of the full armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, individuals can find the strength to resist temptation and emerge victorious in their spiritual battles. Similarly, James 4:7 emphasizes the importance of submitting to God and resisting the devil, with the promise that he will flee. Additionally, 1 Peter 5:8–9 urges believers to be sober-minded and vigilant, aware of the devil’s cunning attempts to devour and undermine their faith, while encouraging them to remain steadfast and trust in God’s unfailing protection. Thus, the Bible abounds in scriptures that serve as powerful tools to overcome the devil and reaffirm one’s commitment to righteousness and spiritual growth.

Practical Pointers

Keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus keeps the enemy in his right, gnat-like proportion. Never seek out the enemy. Do not study the enemy; he can lure you with fasciation that will sideswipe you. It is foolish to court him; he has been in the business of tricking and tripping up humans for millennia. 

Make sure that you are following Holy Spirit in getting free from sinful mindsets and behaviors (sin, unforgiveness, anything that carries shame). That is the enemy’s playground. Don’t allow the enemy to condemn you – you are a forgiven child of God – justified by God and uncondemnable! Walk daily with intimacy being led by the Spirit. When the enemy does come on your radar screen, you will be able to handle it. If you are really struggling, find another mature believer to stand with you. And work on whatever brokenness you have honestly, bravely, and consistently, being humble enough to see it and get help as you need it. 


In conclusion, submitting to God and resisting the devil are essential in our spiritual battles. By surrendering our will to God, seeking His will, and trusting in His character, we can submit to Him and His plans for our lives. And by standing on God’s promises, using the name of Jesus, and putting on the armor of God metaphorically, we can effectively resist the devil and overcome his attacks. Let us continually submit to God and resist the devil, knowing that, as we do so, he will flee from us.

I trust this has been enlightening and helpful for you. I’d love to hear your thoughts!




  1. “The Satan and Demons with Brad Jersak / Transcript,” Seth Price, September 21, 2020, Can I Say This at Church podcast,,, accessed February 20, 2024.

Book Recommendation:

Are you tired of constantly feeling like you’re losing every battle? Do you yearn to live a life of victory?

Look no further than Catherine’s latest creation: a workbook version of her best-selling book “Marked by Love.” Guided by the Holy Spirit, Catherine has crafted a powerful tool that will guide you step-by-step towards living a victorious life. This workbook will help you usher God into your life, opening the door to miracles and wonders. Through its pages, you’ll be empowered by the love of God and your identity will be transformed to align with God’s truth about you.

Don’t wait to begin living the victorious life that you were meant to live – get your hands on this life-changing workbook now!


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