The Flavors of God

The Flavors of God

When I was a little girl we would occasionally go to the ice cream store – you probably know the one – 31 flavors. I would peer over the display cases and contemplate each and every flavor. Sometimes the server would ask if I wanted a sample. After getting over my shyness, I would say, “Yes!” and sample the delectable sweetness, lingering over that pink plastic spoon. I had the fantasy of being let loose with a couple hundred of my closest friends, with unlimited spoons and samplings. We would spend hours debating the pros and cons of each flavor and rank each and every one.

I could still go for that particular fantasy – spoons in hand, but I don’t go very often. I like the ice cream, but it doesn’t like me back – how rude!

However, I have been meditating on all that sampling. God is a good God Who wants us to sample His goodness – with unlimited samplings. He even said, “Taste and see that (I AM) good!”

I like the Message version of Psalm 34:8:

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. Blessed are you who run to him.

God is a God of limitless flavors and there is not a bad one in the lot. Romans 11:33-36 (MSG) says:

Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of God, this deep, deep wisdom? It’s way over our heads. We’ll never figure it out. Is there anyone around who can explain God? Anyone smart enough to tell him what to do? Anyone who has done him such a huge favor that God has to ask his advice? Everything comes from him;  Everything happens through him; everything ends up in him. Always glory! Always praise! Yes. Yes. Yes.

Despite His infiniteness, God is a God Who wants to be known by His kids and His Bride. And because our finite brains boggle quickly at His fathomless nature, He accommodates us where are. He gives us His mind by faith (1 Corinthians 2:16). Holy Spirit helps us to unwrap and sample flavor after flavor of His goodness. He is a relational God first and foremost, because He IS Love. And He wants to be known by the objects of His desire.

So ask Him to reveal Himself and be patient with yourself with the pace you are connecting with Him. He is ever so patient with you and will help you do so.

Pink spoons anyone?

For more about the Flavors of God, and His heart toward you, check out my book, Marked by Love.


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